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Does I really need reconstruction?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 06:19
by sjstheesar
First of I am a newbie here. I have read "MARWAN, N., Romano, M. C., Thiel, M., Kurths, J.: Recurrence Plots for the Analysis of Complex Systems, Physics Reports, 438(5-6), 2007, 237-329". I would like to implement JRP in my synchronization problem.
While basic material, I was not able to understand "reconstruction of Phase space". Does it really required in order to compute JRP between two dynamical systems?
Also if a system has 4 co-ordinates then for synchronization problem do I get 4 JRP plots?

I am sorry that I was not able to understand those completely from the above paper.

Thank you in advance.

Re: Does I really need reconstruction?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 17:23
by sultornsanee
JRP is a dot product of recurrence plots. It doesn't matter how many RPs you have but JRP of all RPs will be only one recurrence matrix or recurrence plot.