3rd RP Workshop - Locations

Information and discussion about the next international symposium on recurrence plots.
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3rd RP Workshop - Locations

Post by Norbert »

During the 2nd Workshop we had a lot of suggestions for the place of the next RP workshop. Here I list these suggestions:
  • Krakow (Poland)
    Peking (China)
    Volos (Greece)
    Aberdeen (UK)
    Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil)
Perhaps I missed some place or mixed it up. Let's discuss.

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Re: 3rd RP Workshop - Locations

Post by prora »

Hi all,

I recently had a chat on this issue with my supervisor Dr. Lael Parrott at the Complex Systems Lab. (Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada). She showed some interest at the idea of organizing the next workshop on recurrence plots in Montréal.

The theme of this workshop could be something like... Recurrence plots: Exploring the effect of scales.

It would give an opportunity to appeal for professionals in the natural sciences to better understand and make use of recurrence analysis.



Complex systems lab (http://www.geog.umontreal.ca/syscomplex/eng/home.html)
Geomatic and Landscape Ecology Lab (http://www.glel.carleton.ca/index.html)
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Re: 3rd RP Workshop - Locations

Post by Norbert »

Hi Raphael,

I love the idea to move the workshop to a more focused view, i.e. that the next workshops are more dedicated to special topics.

Thanks for your suggestion of Montreal. This would also be a great location.
I hope that we have also some further comments on that issue.

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Re: 3rd RP Workshop - Locations

Post by prora »

Hi Norbert,

The director of the complex systems lab in Montréal, Lael Parrott, will be in a sabbatical leave next year. Therefore, we suggest to host the International Workshop on Recurrence Plots in 2009. I don't know if you were also planning to have one next year.

Let me know

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Re: 3rd RP Workshop - Locations

Post by Norbert »

I would suggest to have it every two years. Thus your suggestion fits well.
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Re: 3rd RP Workshop - Locations

Post by Norbert »

Hi all,

my favourite is Montreal. If there is still big interest from the group of Lael Parrot, we should organise the next RP workshop in Montreal - and with a more focused view on natural (biological) systems.

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Re: 3rd RP Workshop - Locations

Post by Norbert »

Lael agreed to support and organise the next workshop in Montreal. See following post for the date: http://forum.recurrence-plot.tk/viewtop ... 7&t=2#p145
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