How can i download the VRA4.9/5.0

Available software for computation of recurrence plots and their quantification. Announcements of new releases.
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How can i download the VRA4.9/5.0

Post by tangdh20 »

I am unable to access the new home provided by Nonlinear,is it changed?If so ,Could you please tell me the new website?If any other reasons,Please tell me why.

Thank you very much !
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Re: How can i download the VRA4.9/5.0

Post by Norbert »


I'm also surprised that the web page for VRA obviously disappeared. I just send Eugene an email. Let's hope that he answers.

Meanwhile you may find the CRP toolbox for Matlab useful. If you don't have Matlab, but able to work on a system prompt, you could use the "commandline recurrence plot" software.

Best regards
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