The RQA software uses a specific normalisation of the computed distance matrix, whereas the CRP toolbox uses either no normalisation or a normalisation to a standard deviation of one and a mean of zero of the original data. However, with an appropriate data preparation and setting you can get the same results by using the CRP toolbox.
For compatibility use a Theiler window of size one and ensure that the data are normalised before by the same distance which is used in the RQA software; e.g. normalise with the maximal phase space diameter.
In the CRP toolbox, with the programme pss you can estimate the maximal distance of the phase space, which is reconstructed from the data. This maximal distance can be used for the normalisation of the data:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
RQA=crqa(x_norm, dim, lag, e, [], [], l_min, v_min, 1, ...
'euclidean', 'nonormalize', 'silent')