The neighbour item in VRA prediction window

Specific discussion regarding applications.
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The neighbour item in VRA prediction window

Post by tarafetue »


First, I want to thank Norbert for accepting me on this forum.

My question is about the values you can enter for the Neighbour item in Visual Recurrence Analysis.
This item allow to enter the bandwidth for the Kernel density.
The values accepted are only integers with minimum equal to 1. However, most values of bandwidths
are between 0 and 1 and are double numbers like 0.345. The same remarks are for the Delay item.

So, I think we cannot get predictions as precise as possible. Rounding 0.345 to 1 will oversmooth the curb.

Can I have your advice about this analysis.

Do you know a program which can do the same job but allow double numbers.

Thank you.

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Re: The neighbour item in VRA prediction window

Post by Norbert »

The CRP toolbox for Matlab accepts double numbers.
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Re: The neighbour item in VRA prediction window

Post by tarafetue »

Norbert wrote:The CRP toolbox for Matlab accepts double numbers.

Thank you for this information. Unfortunately I don't have matlab. I'll however look at toolbox documentation.

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