Next RP workshop

Information and discussion about the next international symposium on recurrence plots.
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Next RP workshop

Post by Norbert »

During the last workshop we decided to repeat such meetings regularly. At the moment we are still looking for a nice meeting place. Ideas were Chicago or somewhere in Italy.

Best regards,

Next workshop

Post by Angelo »

Hi Norbert!

We could organize it in Siena. I should speak with some people, but I think that it would be possible.

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Re: Next workshop

Post by Angelo »

Angelo wrote:Hi Norbert!

We could organize it in Siena. I should speak with some people, but I think that it would be possible.

And now I'm registreded!!
Liberte'!!! Egalite'!!! Avvinazze'!!!
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Post by Norbert »

It would be nice to organise the next meeting in Sienna. Do you have any news, Angelo? However, I don't think that we have to push it at the moment, because we should organise it for 2007. Or is there an urgent reason to do it this year?


Post by Guest »

Norbert wrote:It would be nice to organise the next meeting in Sienna. Do you have any news, Angelo? However, I don't think that we have to push it at the moment, because we should organise it for 2007. Or is there an urgent reason to do it this year?

Hi Norbert!

We have no trouble for organize it next year. I though it was a nice idea to organize it annually.

If it is planned for the 2007, we could begin to organize it in June or September, but I think that we will speak about it personally in the next months.

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Post by Norbert »

After visiting Angelo in the very beautiful Siena, I also suggest to organise the next RP workshop there. We intend that the meeting would be in September 2007. Note that it would be an anniversary, because of 20 years of JP Eckmann's paper in Europhysics Letters.

We look forward to meet all of you interested people in Siena!

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Post by Norbert »

The 2nd RP workshop will be held in Siena a September, 10-12, 2007. Please visit the workshop website for further information:
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Re: Next RP workshop

Post by Norbert »

The 3rd International Symposium on Recurrence Plots will be held in Montreal, Sept. 2-4, 2009.

Please visit the workshop website for further information:
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Re: Next RP workshop

Post by Norbert »

It turned out that we had to move the date one week back, thus the next workshop/ symposium will be at August 26-28, 2009.

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Re: Next RP workshop

Post by Norbert »

The 4th Recurrence Plot Symposium will most likely be in Hongkong. We will also move the date date from September to December 2011.

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