4th Recurrence Plot Symposium in Hongkong

Information and discussion about the next international symposium on recurrence plots.
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4th Recurrence Plot Symposium in Hongkong

Post by Norbert »

We are just starting with the organisation of the 4th Recurrence Plot Symposium which will take place in Hongkong. We intend to organise it for the 1st week in December 2011. Just visit the symposium web site for up-to-date information.


Symposium will be at Dec 5-7, 2011, on the Hung Hom Campus of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Visit the symposium web site for registration!
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Re: 4th Recurrence Plot Symposium in Hongkong

Post by sultornsanee »

This is a conference which I would like to attend since I learned about recurrence plot. Unfortunately I can't travel during this time because my wife is pregnant and she will deliver our first daughter in December. I hope you have fun in this conference.

I will attend the next conference for sure. See you there !! 8)
Sivarit Sultornsanee (Tony)

Network/Nano Science and Engineering Laboratory (NSE Lab)
360 Huntington Ave., Room 320 SN, Boston, MA 02038, USA
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