Hello All,
my name is Miguel, and I'm a spanish software developer trying to qualify me in data analytics, especially interested in complex systems.
Recently, I have developed a Windows application that allows draw recurrence plots and calculate RQA measures, as well as cross or joint two diferent maps.
I have posted in my blog an introductory article about recurrence plots, where you can download the application along with the source code, this is the link:
http://software-tecnico-libre.es/en/art ... -series-vi
The instructions to use the software are distributed among the six articles of the series, but I think that they are very easy to find. This is the link to the series article list:
http://software-tecnico-libre.es/en/art ... c-analysis
I have tried to validate the results generated by the program comparing them with those generated by another recurrence plot software, but it is possible that there are still some bugs.
If someone finds this of interest, the comments and ideas to improve it are well come.
Windows application to draw recurrence plots
- Norbert
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- Location: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
Re: Windows application to draw recurrence plots
Hi Migul,
great! Thanks for sharing the software and the code! I'm sure there are scientists who would like to use it.
Perhaps you could add some instructions how to use the software and how to compile the source code and some note about the requirements to use the software (Win10?, 64bit?).
I haven't been able to produce recurrence plots with your software. I found it not really intuitive. It took quite a while until I found somwhere a "R. Plot" … but nevertheless, I don't know how to initiate the calculation of the recurrence plot.
Best regards
great! Thanks for sharing the software and the code! I'm sure there are scientists who would like to use it.
Perhaps you could add some instructions how to use the software and how to compile the source code and some note about the requirements to use the software (Win10?, 64bit?).
I haven't been able to produce recurrence plots with your software. I found it not really intuitive. It took quite a while until I found somwhere a "R. Plot" … but nevertheless, I don't know how to initiate the calculation of the recurrence plot.
Best regards
- Junior
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- Affiliation (Univ., Inst., Dept.): Freelance developer
- Location: Siges, Barcelona, Spain
- Research field: Scientific software
- Location: Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Re: Windows application to draw recurrence plots
Hi, Norbert,
sorry, the software was intended in a first moment only as a companion of the series of articles, so the instructions to use it are explained along the six articles, but I can make a summary of the steps to draw recurrence plots:
The Windows version can be anyone from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and you can compile the software using Visual Studio 2013, simply open the file GraphStudy.sln with the development environment.
To draw a recurrence plot, you can start from a csv file with the time series, in the File menu, use the Open option and select, in the Files of Type... dropdown of the Open File the dialog box, the csv type.
Then, use the L. Extend button and, in the window that appears, the Start button. This calculates the autocorrelation of the series. Select a time delay greater than 0 by clicking with the mouse button over the graph, and then you can view the recurrence plot in the R. Plot tab. You can change the parameters and double click on the plot to see the changes.
If you open two series, you can drag and drop one recurrence plot over the second in order to obtain a cross recurrence plot or a Joint one, depending on the box where you drop it. Some parameters need to match in the two plots, as the window size and, in the case of cross, the embeded dimension.
If you think that the software can be useful, I can made a user manual and post it in the forum. I think that the software needs some improvements until it come a serious application, but is a starting point.
Best Regards,
sorry, the software was intended in a first moment only as a companion of the series of articles, so the instructions to use it are explained along the six articles, but I can make a summary of the steps to draw recurrence plots:
The Windows version can be anyone from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and you can compile the software using Visual Studio 2013, simply open the file GraphStudy.sln with the development environment.
To draw a recurrence plot, you can start from a csv file with the time series, in the File menu, use the Open option and select, in the Files of Type... dropdown of the Open File the dialog box, the csv type.
Then, use the L. Extend button and, in the window that appears, the Start button. This calculates the autocorrelation of the series. Select a time delay greater than 0 by clicking with the mouse button over the graph, and then you can view the recurrence plot in the R. Plot tab. You can change the parameters and double click on the plot to see the changes.
If you open two series, you can drag and drop one recurrence plot over the second in order to obtain a cross recurrence plot or a Joint one, depending on the box where you drop it. Some parameters need to match in the two plots, as the window size and, in the case of cross, the embeded dimension.
If you think that the software can be useful, I can made a user manual and post it in the forum. I think that the software needs some improvements until it come a serious application, but is a starting point.
Best Regards,