Fail to install.

Questions and hints about installation and usage.
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Fail to install.

Post by halijah »

I've received the file install.m. However, when I run this file, matlab gives me the following error.

ERROR OCCURED during installation
Error using ==> install at 74
The installation file is corrupt!

Then I tried to download again. Still, got the same error. Pls help me, What should I do?
Thank you.
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Re: Fail to install.

Post by Norbert »

Here is the answer: ... l#download

Are you perhaps using a proxy which is modifying the download file? It seems that the install file was somehow modified during file transfer.
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Re: Fail to install.

Post by halijah »

Ok, Thank you. I'll look into that.
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Re: Fail to install.

Post by maureenmv »

Hi, Dr. Marwan.

I'm new to Matlab and I tried installing the toolbox following the instruction you wrote but I got this error:

Error: File: install.m Line: 1 Column: 5
Unexpected MATLAB operator.
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Re: Fail to install.

Post by maureenmv »

I download the file again and reinstalled it, and I got this error:

Reading the archiv
Checksum test passed (94A9056A4AC2)
CRP Toolbox version 5.21 (R31c)
CRP Toolbox time stamp 01-Nov-2016 20:40:19
Old CRP Toolbox found in C:\crptoolbox
> Delete old toolbox? Y/N [Y]: y
Change to C:\crptoolbox
Error using num2str (line 35)
Not enough input arguments.

Error in install (line 761)
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Re: Fail to install.

Post by Norbert »

It is better to send me an email with all information I would need to figure out the problem. (MATLAB version, operation system etc)
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