Spatial data analysis

Extensions of the recurrence plot and network approach to multivariate and spatial data.
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Spatial data analysis

Post by Smund27 »


I'm currently trying to quantify different images by using the spatial distribution of patterns in some simulated chemical reactions I have run. I've read a lot about using generalised recurrence plots however (and please correct me if I'm wrong) I don't seem to be able to find software that has this functionality built in. Is there freely available software out there? Any help with this would be much appreciated.


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Re: Spatial data analysis

Post by Norbert »

As far as I know, there is no public software for it. I myself have developed a C++ code but it is only for a pilot study and I need to check again whether it is maturated enough to be used for general purpose or other data. Moreover, the code is more than 10 years old …
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Re: Spatial data analysis

Post by Smund27 »

Ok thank you for your help. I am a masters student who has used normal recurrence plots and RQA extensively in my project but unfortunately I am now nearing the end of my studies and so this further idea will have to be shelved for now.

Thanks again
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