Multivariate RP

Extensions of the recurrence plot and network approach to multivariate and spatial data.
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Multivariate RP

Post by Gerald »

I am interested in know about the analysis of multiple variables in time. In other words the recurrences of one variable in relation with others.

My research is related with rainfall and runoff process in hydrology. In principle there are many time relationships between different spatial precipitations and other enviromental variables.

Could someone tell me if there is any research working with analysis combining multiple variables.
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Location: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany

Post by Norbert »

You could utilise joint recurrence plots (JRP), which are real multi-variate tools. Although in publications the JRPs are used as bi-variate tools, do not hesitate to apply them as multi-variate tools.

Have also a look at the comments and suggested literature at

But maybe someone has another idea how to process multi-variate data? I would be curious about it.

Best regards,
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Re: Multivariate RP

Post by sultornsanee »

I am interested in the multivariate RPs a lot. I have an idea for multiple time series analysis using RPs or RQA. I will make an experiment and give you hints soon. :D
Sivarit Sultornsanee (Tony)

Network/Nano Science and Engineering Laboratory (NSE Lab)
360 Huntington Ave., Room 320 SN, Boston, MA 02038, USA
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Re: Multivariate RP

Post by Norbert »

Hi Toni,

I look forward to see your approach.

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Re: Multivariate RP

Post by Andrii »

Dear Norbert,

It was recently highlighted (Wallot, 2019) that the application of multiple JRPs can have the limitation of not catching all the richness of the multiple signals dynamics because the JRPs are highly influenced by the smallest recurrent structures of the individual plots. Apparently, the use of Multidimensional RQA (only in R at the moment) does not have this issue. I was wondering whether there is a modification of JRP that can overcome the limitation of being dominated by the smallest recurrent structure?

Thank you,
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Location: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany

Re: Multivariate RP

Post by Norbert »

The multivariate RP is nothing else than using the different time series as the different components of the phase space vector. Therefore, there is no difference to the standard approach, as far as I see it.
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