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Visual Recurrence Analysis 4.9 Validation

Posted: Mon Sep 7, 2009 06:40
by downunder

I have been investigating heart rate variability pre- and post- an intervention in a specific chronic disease population. Traditional time- and frequency-domain indices have provided useful information, however, I note a recent interest in the literature in the use of recurrence plots.

Would anyone provide me with a useful link/resource that I may become familiar with RPA?

Further, are any of the applications (I have specifically downloaded and used VPA 4.9) listed on the main site validated in the literature?



Re: Visual Recurrence Analysis 4.9 Validation

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 23:06
by Norbert

you can study this web site here. There you will also find an almost complete biography about recurrence plots. But I would suggest of course to read the Physics Reports paper about recurrence plots:

Best regards