Non-Time series data analysis

Extensions of the recurrence plot and network approach to multivariate and spatial data.
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Non-Time series data analysis

Post by mazaherhajibashi »

Hi everyone
I have two sets of data, one as input (X) and one as output (Y).They are not a kind of time series data set and the relation between these two data sets is not a mathematical function. For instance I have many of outputs (y1,y2,y3,..) (data records) for a specific input (x1).
Could I use the CRP toolbox for diagnosing the patterns that relates these two data sets?
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Re: Non-Time series data analysis

Post by Norbert »


I have no idea what you are really would like to do. But perhaps the ACE algorithm is something what you are looking for? Although it is not related to recurrence plots, it is included in the CRP toolbox for Matlab. Standalone version can be found here:

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Re: Non-Time series data analysis

Post by mazaherhajibashi »

Thank you very much. I will try and report it here.
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