Calculating perpendicular RP

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Calculating perpendicular RP

Post by holistic »


I often encounter tangential motion, which I'm unable to "clean up" by varying thresholds. This may be because it is mostly in the near vicinity of the diagonal line, so I'm not sure if it can be cleaned up so easily. I attached a RP as a example (diagonal line removed). So I was wondering if the CRP toolbox can compute a perpendicular RP or if a script is available to compute them? Maybe this will help in reducing tangential motion artefacts?
RP with tangential motion near the diagonal
RP with tangential motion near the diagonal
tangentialmotion.jpg (192.05 KiB) Viewed 17522 times
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Re: Calculating perpendicular RP

Post by Norbert »

In this case (tangential motion close to the LOI) you just need to apply the Theiler window. The CRP toolbox has such an option. Just look in the help of the crp and crqa functions.
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