CRP for aggregation?

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CRP for aggregation?

Post by shahnazu69 »

i have an important problem.
imagine, i have two time series with different RQA and i also obtain their CRQA. these time series should be aggregated in one time series. Is there any way by means of CRQA to find which aggregtion method -sum,average,convolution,..- is the best or useful?
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Re: CRP for aggregation?

Post by Norbert »

sounds more like feature extraction or support vector machines. I'm not an expert in this. :?
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Re: CRP for aggregation?

Post by saara »

I'm new to the forum and to the CRP toolbox and trying to use the CRP to carry out CRQA of more than two time series.
i know there is such option for JRP but how about CRP?? would it be possible to compare more than two time series in CRP?
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Re: CRP for aggregation?

Post by Norbert »

No, it is not possible. The base of the CRP is the distance between two points (on two different phase space trajectories).
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