RQA interpetation!

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RQA interpetation!

Post by bigdeli »

Daer Prof. Norbert Marwan,

I am, N. Bigdeli, assistant prof. of IKIU, Iran. I have studied most of your papers and I have used CRP toolbox for analysis of two time series from Iran electricity markets. my goal in my research is to find individual and joint behavior of these two time series using RP's and CRP/JRPs. I hve generated the RR, DET, Lmax, LAM, TT, ... by crp toolbox versus time and via windowing. but I am not sure how can I interpret this graphs. would you please help me?

Best regards,
N. Bigdeli.
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Re: RQA interpetation!

Post by Norbert »

Dear Prof. Bigdeli,

thanks for using our toolbox. Have you read the corresponding papers describing these methods? This would be the first step.

Of course, we can help you in interpretation and can give you hints.

Best regards
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