Fail to download CRC Toolbox

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Fail to download CRC Toolbox

Post by Ileana »

Hi everyone,
I have tried several times to obtain the information required to download the CRP toolbox by fulfilling the registration form but the mail containing the ID and the password was never generated
I do not know what mistakes I have made
Thank you for trying to help me in this regard

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Re: Fail to download CRC Toolbox

Post by Norbert »


I'm sorry to read that you have not been able to download. But please let me know when did you registered? I can check in the database whether there have been some issues. We can surely help you.

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Re: Fail to download CRC Toolbox

Post by Ileana »

Thank you for answering in such a short time
I tried on 22 Febr 1:37 PM and on 25 Febr 5:21 PM
The first time I give my professional email address which is
As the ID and password did not come I thought that may be the security settings of the mail server are responsible
For the second attempt I used my personal mail address ( the same address I have used to join the forum
Hoping that something can be done thank you once again for all the help
Yours sincerlly
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Re: Fail to download CRC Toolbox

Post by Norbert »

OK, I found an entry in the error log. There was a failure during registration. A database entry was not created. After your registration, have you seen a screen with a statement something like "registration success, access data will be send" or did you see an error message (or perhaps nothing)? Could you please try another web browser? (I know that this is an annoying request, but I need to know whether this might be related to the used webbrowser)
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Re: Fail to download CRC Toolbox

Post by Ileana »

No. The screen was empty (black) with a message (in the upper part of the screen) referring to the necessity to fill all entrances and an arrow (pointing backwards)
Now I think that I understand where the error could be: there is in the registration form a list where you can choose a domain of interest among a number of proposed domains
I could not chose a position from that list (neither under Chrom nor under IExplorer browsers) because the list seems to be inactive. My OS is Windows 7

Do you think that this error is the cause of the problem? and if yes what should I do to solve it?
Thank you again for your time
Sincerely yours
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Re: Fail to download CRC Toolbox

Post by Norbert »

I have just checked on a windows 8.1 system using Chrome and Firefox and it was working without any problems. As far as I understand you filled out all fields but have not been able to select the research field? Which entry have you tried to select? Did you try also other selections? You are the first who has problems with this form (among more than 2000 downloads so far). Therefore, I expect that there is something on your side. I'm sorry that I cannot fix the problem as easy as expected. I will try my best to help you with this issue.
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Re: Fail to download CRC Toolbox

Post by Ileana »

Thank you very much for all the time invested in helping me

This morning I tried to register using my PC at work and...surprise I received the response mail announcing me that the message with the ID and the password will follow
"Request sent.
You should receive an automated eMail in order to check your eMail address. If you don't receive this eMail, please provide your correct eMail address. A password will be send out as fast as available, but only if the eMail address is correct and the provided information are sufficient

I am waiting now for the message

Have a good day
Sincerely yours
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Re: Fail to download CRC Toolbox

Post by Ileana »

I manage to download and install the toolbox :D
Now I am working on it
Many thanks for your kindness and availability
Have a good day
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Re: Fail to download CRC Toolbox

Post by Norbert »

great that it is now working. thanks for the reply.
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